Since a few months ago, and in some cases, a few years ago, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, people have been translating Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides [AF Bible Study Guides] into a few different languages in the country of India.

Why AF Bible Study Guides?  What makes these different from other Bible study guides?  Each study guide is focused on some important Bible teaching.  Jesus told us not only to Go! and baptize, but also to go and teach them all things whatsoever I have taught you.  Matthew 28:18-20.

But many people in our world, even many Christians, are becoming drunk on the wine of confusing doctrines and teachings of men which, as taught by the various churches,  is claimed to be what the Bible teaches.  Does the Bible teach confusion, or is it the man-made ideas incorporated into the church as Bible teaching which has brought confusion?

Using AF Bible Study Guides, is a way to avoid confusion regarding Bible teaching.  Step-by-step as you use these guides, you will be led into the truth of God’s word, and your love for truth and interest for the truth will grow.  God will reach your mind and heart with His truth, as you let the Holy Spirit open up His word to you.

On these web pages, you will find also many other resources which have been translated into various languages.  May God bless you as you begin exploring the Word of God for yourself, and may your love for Jesus also grow, more and more.